The Barcoo Shire Council's Code of Conduct for employees recognises their roles under the Local Government Act 2009 in service to the community.
The Code is based on the principles contained in the Local Government Act 2009 and the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 and on our shared corporate Core Values. It applies to all employees, regardless of employment status, role or position.
In general terms, the Code promotes four key ethical principles:
1. Integrity and impartiality
Aims to build community trust and confidence in the public sector by operating to the highest ethical standards. Includes things like declaring conflicts of interest, ensuring all decisions are fair and transparent, proper conduct when being offered gifts or benefits and contributing to a discrimination and harassment-free workplace.
2. Promoting the public good
Recognises that local government is the mechanism by which elected representatives deliver programs and services for the benefit of the community. This principle promotes excellence in customer service, fair and consistent treatment of suppliers, high standards of accountability for the use of public money and the lawful use of intellectual property.
3. Commitment to the system of government
This principle recognises our duty to uphold the system of government and associated laws. This includes acting within the law, acting in accordance with delegations and complying with the required privacy standards.
4. Accountability and transparency
This principle promotes a high standard of public administration through the proper use of Council assets, diligence, care and attention in our day-to-day work duties and individual commitment to working arrangements, continual professional development and workplace health and safety.
Responsible reporting of unethical conduct or fraud
Unethical conduct or fraud in Council cannot, and will not, be tolerated. Council encourages the reporting of information about such matters, by its Councillors, employees, suppliers, business clients, and community.
There are a number of forms of protection available for any person, who reports to an appropriate authority, an honest and reasonable belief of unethical conduct or fraud.
Council will ensure that reports are dealt with in a prompt, professional and confidential manner.
Reports may be made, anonymously if desired, to the contact person below.
Contact person
Marked Private and Confidential
The Chief Executive Officer
Barcoo Shire Council
Po Box 14, Jundah QLD 4736
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