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Heart of the Channel Country

Council has a number of local laws in place to help govern Barcoo Shire.

Please refer to the following public notice and schedule:

You can also view the applicable local laws at the Queensland Government - Department of Local Government and Planning website in their Local laws database.

Access Road Conditions and Environment & Planning information for Barcoo Shire:

Barcoo Shire Council offers a wide variety of jobs and careers that include great benefits, flexible work options and the oppotunity to make a difference in a growing region. To hear all about our Corporate Services Managers transition to the Barcoo Shire click the following link FarOut! (

Council are committed to building a workforce that is stable, motivated and forward thinking. If you're interested in employment in the shire please submit your resume with a brief cover letter to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Vacant Positions

Vacant Positions advertised on Council's website are open to anyone with appropriate skills, qualifications and experience. Vacancies may also be advertised in local and regional employment websites. 

Equal Opportunity Employment

Barcoo Shire Council is an equal opportunity employer. Council's Equal Employment Opportunity Management Plan ensures we conduct our operation within regulations. Council's policy is based on the following principles under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 and Industrial Relations Act 1999:

  1. Employ the best person for the position;
  2. Appraise and promote employees on the basis of merit and the potential of the employee to hand greater responsibility as well as the employee's willingness to do so; and
  3. Maintain a workplace free of harrassment and victimisation.

Code Of Conduct And Business Ethics

Each year, Barcoo Shire Council adopts an Operational Plan which identifies activities that work toward achieving the goals, objectives and strategies outlined in the Corporate Plan. The Operational Plan also provides the framework for Council to prepare it's Annual Budget.